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FULL SET Toddler Kids Playing Fencing Baby Playing Fence Set (Multicolour), pagar kanak, pagar bermain, playground fence

RM 175.00
  • May refer our youtube:

  • Buy Full Set to Help You Save Lot of Money because Crawling Mat worth RM 50-70
  • And u also need to find suitable Crawling Mat for your Fence (Each Mat has different design)
  • FREE 70-100PC of ball, this worth RM50
  • So if u buy from others RM 160-170without these 2 BASIC THINGS, then u have to PAY EXTRA RM 100 FOR THESE & Total u spend RM 250-270.
  • We always find the Best Thing for our Next Generation
  • The Locker of each other is strong, so it wont change shape or unlock when baby push
  • Chemical Free, Thicker Strong Body with sticky suction & Locker
  • Currently we have FULL SET12 pc (10pc of fence + 1pc of Gate + 1pc of Game Gate)
  • Or FULL SET 14pc (12pc of fence + 1pc of Gate + 1pc of Game Gate)
  • or FULL SET 16pc (14pc of fence +1pc of Gate + 1pc of Game Gate)
  • size 12pc around 1.5mx1.1m, 14pc around 1.9mx1.1m, 16pc around 1.9mx1.5m, u may adjust longer or wider size depend on ur space.

  • Beli Set Lengkap untuk Membantu Anda Simpan Banyak Wang kerana Crawling Mat bernilai RM 50-70
  • Dan anda juga perlu mencari Crawling Mat sesuai untuk pagar anda (Semua mat design tak same)
  • PERCUMA 70-100PC bola, ini cost RM 50
  • Jadi jika anda membeli dari orang lain RM 160-170 tanpa 2 perkara ini, maka anda perlu membayar EXTRARM 100 UNTUK THESE & Total anda membelanjakan RM 250-270.
  • Kami sentiasa mencari Hal Terbaik untuk Generasi Seterusnya kami
  • Locker antara satu sama lain ketat dan kuat, jadi ia tidak akan berubah bentuk atau membuka kunci apabila bayi menolak
  • Free Chemical, Thicker Strong Body dengan sedutan melekit & Locker
  • Pada masa ini kami mempunyai PC SET12 Penuh (10pc pagar + 1pc Gate + 1pc Gate Game)
  • Atau SET Penuh 14pc (12pc pagar + 1pc Gate + 1pc Gate Game)
  • or FULL SET 16pc (14pc of fence +1pc of Gate + 1pc of Game Gate)
  • size 12pc around 1.5mx1.1m, 14pc around 1.9mx1.1m, 16pc around 1.9mx1.5m, u may adjust longer or wider size depend on ur space.
  • Sekarang kami ada new model, 8pc, 12, 14, 16pc (8pc Tiada free mat dan ball)