{Pre-order} Simple Workout Gym, Multifunction Fitness Machines, Multifunction Weight Training
RM 750.00
- Gim ini adalah untuk anda meletakkan pinggan loceng anda di atasnya
- Harga adalah tanpa sebarang barbell atau dumbell plate
- Anda boleh melakukan senaman Tarik, Mendayung, dsb.
- Kami mengimport banyak perkara setiap bulan, Sila ikuti kami
- Pra-pesanan, harga rendah sebab kami tolong anda beli
- kami akan FREE menghantar terus ke rumah anda sekitar 45 hari jika anda membuat pembayaran penuh sekarang
- This gym is for you to put your bell plate on it
- The price is without any barbell or dumbell plate
- You may exercise Pulling workout, Rowing, etc.
- We import many things every months, Please follow us
- Pre-order, price cheaper because we help you order
- We would FREE deliver direct to your house around 45days if you make full payment now