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EngHong Wheelchair Cushion, Wheelchair Table, Wheelchair Seat, Kerusi Roda Kusyen, Meja Makan

RM 35.00
  • This cushion is Thick, Air Breathing make it COMFORTABLE to sit longer time
  • This cushion is suitable to almost all our wheelchair because of its standard size
  • for Electric Wheelchair, this is suitable to All except Green Beiz Lightest & America.
  • We will start sell some Table. 
  • This can be attach almost all kinds of big size wheelchair because of its 52cm width, e.g. Reclining, Commode Normal Wheelchair, and 20inch, 24inch Big rim wheelchair

  • Kusyen ini Tebal, Bernafas Udara menjadikannya SELESA untuk duduk lebih lama
  • Kusyen ini sesuai untuk hampir semua kerusi roda kami kerana saiznya yang standard
  • untuk Kerusi Roda Elektrik, ini sesuai untuk Semua kecuali Green Beiz Lightest & America.
  • Ini boleh dipasangkan hampir semua jenis kerusi roda saiz besar kerana lebarnya 52cm, mis. Berbaring, Kerusi Roda Biasa Commode dan kerusi roda rim besar 20 inci, 24 inci
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  • We always bring in Better, Valuable product to make our life become BETTER
  • You may buy table and cushion together to enjoy same courier charges
  • or buy this with some lightweight things to enjoy same courier